Okay, so it’s been a while. I don’t normally do blog-absence apology articles, so I won’t. I can’t. Because, damn it, I’m not sorry.
I’m sorry for the sorry state of the world. I’m sorry if you’ve been hanging on an article (but I can’t imagine you have). I’m sorry that this isn’t an eloquent moment to cure what ails us all. But sorry for not having been here? Most certainly not.
See, the thing is, I wrote a book.
It’s not my first foray into long form, but it’s the first time I’ve ever stood up and said, ‘this here? it’s a book’. Said it, felt it, meant.
As of right this second, what I now have is a complete unpublished manuscript. I’ve started pitching and all the hard slog that usually comes at this point. And I’m well into the next book. But, all of that aside, it’s done. My first book. Beginning, middle, end. First draft, second draft, final draft. Darlings killed, darlings slayed. Done.
So. Here I am, feeling exhausted and amazed. Ecstatic and somewhat bewildered. This writing thing is hard. Real hard. You don’t do it only for the potential thrill of getting published. You do it for love. Yes, you want to be heard. To have readers. To be read. What drives me though, what keeps me going, is the desire to tell the story. The love of writing. The love of words.
My writing journey continues. My joy for words is refueled and full of fire. It almost makes me feel guilty. Who knows. Before too long, transmissions might even return to some sort of normal.
The words will be spoken
I know all the action by heart
As the night-time follows day
I’m closing in
Every dog will have his day
Any dog can win— from Paul Kelly’s “Before Too Long”
Gideon Marcus
February 12, 2017 — 2:41 pm
Hear hear! Writing *is* hard, and I’m so proud of you for having made it through the hardest literary feat. When do we get to see the fruits of your labor?
February 12, 2017 — 5:01 pm
Gideon! Lovely to hear from you. And thanks for the kind and encouraging words.
Ah, well. Now I get to be one of the great unwashed. A writer with an unpublished manuscript. Truthfully, I have submitted to my first publisher now. So, that’s a whole new journey. An exciting one, but a long one.
In the meantime, I’ve started the next book. 🙂